PHOTO CREDIT: Copyright by Steve Lipofsky Basketballphoto.com, LICENCE: Creative Commons Attribution 3.0
Shaquille O’Neal is an American former professional basketball player born on March 6, 1972. He is regarded as one of the greatest basketball players of all time. At 7 ft 1 in (2.16 m) tall and 325 pounds (147 kg), he was one of the tallest and heaviest players ever. O'Neal was first drafted by the Orlando Magic with the first overall pick in the 1992 NBA draft and quickly became one of the best centers in the league, winning Rookie of the Year in 1992–93 and leading his team to the 1995 NBA Finals. O'Neal played for five other teams over his 19-year career. He is currently a sports analyst on the television program Inside the NBA on TNT.
Astrology has served a critical role in society, forever. It is probably older than Gold. It is arguably the oldest thought-system on earth. As astrology grows in popularity and use all over the world, The Ratio aims to reignite humanity’s study of astrology with the most recent human technologies like Big Data, Statistics, and AI. Humanity can and should know the best about our history and our relationship to the cosmos.
Below is more information about the definition of sun sign, moon sign and rising sign - not just in contemporary astrology but also ancient astrology. At least in the Western world. Astrology is not unique to the Western world, in fact it developed independently in every continent on earth. We focus here on the West. Contemporary definitions were poetically summarized by author
Katy Bohinc, and ancient definitions largely come from the beautiful text
“Astrology, Magic and Alchemy in Art” by Getty Publications of the J. Paul Getty Museum.
Each of us is not just an astrology chart; an astrology chart is also one’s belonging in history and the universe. Astrology is the macro-cosmos and the micro-cosmos, it is ancient and contemporary, it is a place in space and also in time.
In contemporary astrology, the sun represents our ego energiess.
It suggests how our ego will act, what characteristics it will likely take, and how we will respond at an ego level to situations.
In contemporary astrology, the sun and its position in the zodiac are the most commonly known aspect of a person.
Based on the date of birth, most people know their sun sign.
However, at the time that astral knowledge was born, the Sun occupied a secondary position to the Moon.
The ancient Babylonians worshiped the sun for purposes of divination but did not use it to compute time or to perform the tasks of daily life.
Originally, the sun was derived from the Sumerian god Shamash, who bore light and life but also drought and famine.
It was the Egyptians who initiated the cult of the “day star” attributing the sun to a primary role in fertilizing the Nile Valley at the time of the summer solstice (announced by the rise of the fixed star, Sirius).
In late antiquity, Neoplatonists identified the Sun with the rational soul and the ability to listen and to imagine.
Later, in Dante’s cosmology, the sphere of the sun is akin to “heaven,” and the seat of Arithmetic and Theology.
During the Renaissance, sun worship went through another strong revival. The sun was said to preside over medicine and poetry, using music and song as powerful healing tools. The sun also “lit up mens’ hearts”, spurring them to love knowledge.
Throughout ancient astrology, the sun is the masculine figure and link between the perceptible world and intelligible reality. Furthermore the sun was believed to foster harmonious behavior and broad-mindedness.
(Little known fact, sun sign horoscopes were actually invented in the 1800’s to sell newspapers. At The Ratio we think we should go a little deeper, but, sidenote.)
In contemporary astrology, Pisces is associated with intuition, creativity, imagination, sensitivity, and “vibe”.
Pisces can be described as the best of all signs at reading the energy of a room.
The Pisces intuitive nature allows them to flow like music through any situation with great sensitivity to all around them.
The 12th and last constellation of the zodiac, Pisces, was derived from the Mesopotamian constellation kun.mes (tails) and is composed of a fish (Boreus) and a swallow (Austrinus).
In ancient astrology, Pisces represented the contact point between the end of a cosmic cycle and a new cycle of manifestation.
The process of Pisces was the re-absorption into the primordial trinity and the beginning of a new psychic process.
The Pisces sign in art depicted failure and exile. However, Pisces also indicated the departure of death and the beginning of a new manifestation.
Pisces was often depicted with rain which symbolized the cosmic energies from the womb of the primordial ocean.
Pisces was believed to express the dissolving and rebirth associated with all forms of messianic revelation.
According to the Persian magi, the conjunction of Jupiter and Saturn in the sign of Pisces would announce the birth of a savior. Many use this historic conjunction in Pisces to date the birth of Christ.
It is not a coincidence that Carnival celebrations, filled with initiatory references to the death and rebirth of nature, fall during the Pisces sun sign period, as the sun passes from the Southern to Northern hemisphere.
Pisces is identified with the end of winter and with spirituality.
In contemporary astrology, the moon represents our feelings and emotions.
The zodiac sign where our moon falls describes how we emotionally process and react to situations all our life.
In the ancient world, the Moon held a pre-eminent position among the celestial bodies because among other things, its movement served to mark time and nature’s major functions such as generation, growth, and death.
The moon was personified by the great archaic goddesses who guarded the rhythms of nature and the occult arts like the Egyptian Isis, Greek Hecate and Persephone, and the Roman Diana.
The moon was also associated with the figure of the Virgin Mary.
The length of a month, 28 days, was calculated based on lunar phases – new moon, quarter moon, full moon, and last quarter moon – as were a woman’s fertile periods and the gestation of the fetus in the mother’s womb.
The movement of the tides and important chores such as sowing, pruning, and decanting wine into casks also depended on the phase of the moon.
The moon was humanity’s original calendar and was associated with the cycles of life: fertility (full moon), death (black moon), and regeneration (new moon).
The color of the moon, changing as it does from dark red to brilliant white, its brightness, and its position along the heavenly horizon were considered to be signs of either calamities or strokes of good fortune, as were lunar halos and eclipses.
Because of the variability with which it appears and disappears from the sky and its influence on female physiology and on fruits and plants, the Moon has been reputed to be the cause of many psychological phenomena.
In ancient astrology, the moon symbolizes the Mother.
For Neoplatonists, the moon is associated with the body and form.
In Dante’s cosmology, the moon was the seat of Grammar.
In contemporary astrology, Scorpio is associated with death, rebirth, sex, intimacy and generally what we call in contemporary times, “depth.”
If the proceeding sign to Scorpio, Libra, is about socializing, diplomacy, and balance, Scorpio is about anything underneath the surface depths.
An emotional water sign, Scorpio is known to be quite sensitive under what appears to be a controlled and sophisticated façade.
If the Scorpio is penetrated, they strike back dramatically with a verbal sting, or worse.
The evolved side of Scorpio is associated with the Eagle. The Eagle archetype is the Scorpion who has transcended their sensitive dark side to fly over issues with unflappable wisdom.
Scorpio ultimately represents a depth which can ruminate to the point of death, and then regenerate as a reborn phoenix.
In ancient times, Scorpio was associated with the death of the Sun in the winter months.
The Scorpio constellation originated in ancient Babylonia.
Later, in 46 B.C. the original Scorpio constellation was split by Julius Caesar between the claws of the Scorpio (Libra) and the body and tail (Scorpio).
In ancient times, the Scorpio symbolized the return to the primordial state through a path of suffering and inner torment.
Scorpio was a return to a state of original chaos before the rebirth of spring.
It is not by coincidence that the rights of death – Halloween, Day of the Dead, All Saints Day, etcetera – fall during Scorpio season.
Scorpio is represented by the gods of the underworld.
Scorpio’s underworld affiliation is underscored by the position of the fixed planet Antares precisely within the Scorpio constellation.
Antares, a fixed star associated with military strategy and prowess, is often called the “heart of Scorpio” or the “Star of the Spirits”.
Antares falls just under the ecliptic at the southern extremity of the Milky Way.
Kabbalists associated Scorpio with the number 13, and with the Death card (major arcana) of the Tarot – the symbol of transformation and rebirth.
Scorpios were considered to be clear-eyed and cautious but underneath simmered an extreme emotionalism which could tend towards aggression or eroticism.
Scorpio corresponded to the fullness of fall, to virility, and to water.
In contemporary astrology, the Rising sign denotes the social personality of an individual in the first 15 minutes of meeting someone.
We might often wonder why we act slightly differently in social situations than in private situations with close friends and family.
Contemporary astrology would tell us that our social personalities are often different from our private ones (unless the rising sign and the sun sign are the same).
In both contemporary and ancient times, the Rising sign is also used to calculate the different houses of an astrology chart.
The ascendant (rising sign) in ancient times was named by the constellation which sat to the East in the horizon at the time and place of a person’s birth.
From the Greek “hora” (hour) and “skopeo” (I observe), horoscope means the “zodiac point that looks at the hour”.
By extension, “horoscope” means the study of the birth theme of the individual based on the time of birth.
The term “prognostication” is derived from the Greek “prognostikos”, or the science of future events.
In order to truly calcu,late a horoscope, the Rising sign of the individual needs to be included to observe the houses in each sector of a person’s birth chart.
This means an individual’s time of birth is a critical factor in studying an individual’s horoscope at depth and providing any type of true “prognostication”.
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In contemporary astrology, Aries is associated with initiation. Not always regarding all the details, the Aries can be counted on to take initiative, jump in, and be first.
Aries is associated with fire. Oftentimes in undertaking initiative in a fiery way, Aries can also be associated with the opposite traits of Libra (opposing sign), e.g. lacking diplomacy.
Aries is associated with independence, individualism, and the capacity to jump first into the action, the conversation, or the fire.
In ancient astrology, Aries designates the rebirth of the sun in springtime (after the winter darkness) and the regeneration of energy in the cosmos.
Because of these symbolic functions, Aries acquired the name of the “best star” in the zodiac.
Aries became the star that witnessed biblical creation (at the time of the birth of Christ).
However, Aries was not always the first sign of the zodiac. This change placing Aries as the first sign of the zodiac did not occur until roughly 3 B.C.
Prior to this, a feminine sign, Virgo, was associated with the birth of fall and the harvest, was the first sign of the zodiac.
The epochal change of the first sign of the zodiac from Virgo to Aries marked the transition from a feminine, matriarchal conception of the world to a patriarchal type of universe ruled by male divinities.
Aries signified the renewal of the equinox and the victory of the sun gods (masculine) over the constellations of the moon (feminine).
In ancient times, Aries signified charity and benevolence.
Aries was symbolized by the Ram and was often associated with the Christ figure (Easter is during Aries season) through a representation of the good shepherd and the sacrificial lamb.
Aries expressed creative impulse, courage and independence – but also had an explosive, untamed aggression (like a ram).
Aries corresponds to the beginning of spring, to youth, to fire and a temperament of “dry heat”.
Aries is symbolized by the Ram’s head, the male organ, and the first sprouting of seeds.
The Ratio is an epic moment for ancient ancestors and contemporary humans: data science on astrology at scale.
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